31 Gennaio 2022

Youth4Mountains Series – Webinars

Youth entrepreneurship in mountain areas: best practices and real-world examples

Territorial development processes require the presence of an active entrepreneurial component, even better if young and innovative. This series of workshops will allow present and future young entrepreneurs from all over the world to get inspiration by sharing their ideas and experience.

17.02.2022, 10.00am | A multifunctional approach for mountain farms

How can future challenges and opportunities for small and medium-sized mountain farms be identified?

This workshop will share existing best practices by young people in mountain areas, highlighting the importance of agriculture in biodiversity conservation, in order to enhance the rich heritage of knowledge and tradition, while encouraging sustainable development in mountain areas.

▶ GUARDA LA REGISTRAZIONE: https://youtu.be/4aMO9Oaw-D8

24.03.2022 | Sharing mountain regions’ examples of innovative and sustainable tourism

Sustainable tourism aims to combine recreational activities with ecological and social requirements.

In order to address this challenge, the diversification of existing businesses can increase the competitiveness of mountain areas while allowing the enhancement and preservation of local resources.

▶ GUARDA LA REGISTRAZIONE: https://youtu.be/OSAto28xKpc

3.05.2022 | The role of technology and innovation in mountain youth entrepreneurship

Can innovation be promoted in remote areas?

Mountain areas can achieve centrality and attract young entrepreneurs thanks to collaboration between research, industry and policymaking.

CLICK HERE: https://tinyurl.com/Youth4Mountains-Innovation


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