21 January 2022

26 universities from the Alpine region participate in a workshop promoted by the EUSALP Action Group 1, coordinated by UNIMONT – detachment of the University of Milan

19 January 2022 – The EUSALP Action Group 1 – Research & Innovation coordinated by the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan on behalf of the Lombardy Region has promoted a meeting with 26 universities from 6 countries of the Alpine Region to promote coordination in order to accelerate the implementation of the ecological transition.

One of the main objectives of the European Strategy for the Alpine Region – EUSALP is to ensure that this area remains among the most attractive and competitive in Europe, while promoting sustainable and innovative development in both urban and mountain areas. Today’s environmental (climate change, loss of biodiversity) and socio-economic (ageing population, digital transformation) challenges pose a particular threat to territories such as the “Alpine Region”, which are characterised by the presence of both industrialised areas and the Alps. Therefore, the involvement and contribution of universities and research and innovation centres is essential. They play a strategic role in promoting innovative solutions and in developing sustainable development models, thus promoting the implementation of the European Green Deal for which the “Alpine Region” is an exceptional testing platform.

In light of this, Action Group 1 – Research & Innovation, of which Prof. Anna Giorgi of the University of Milan – Unimont Centre is Leader by delegation of the Lombardy Region, promoted a meeting entitled “Alpine Region’s Universities for a Green Transition” with the aim of encouraging the creation of a coordination and a shared space for the promotion of research and development actions on topics of strategic interest. The workshop was held online on 19 January 2022 and saw the participation of the European Commission – DG Regio as well as the presentation of good practices such as the European Alliance 4EU+, of which the University of Milan is a member, and the International Association of Lake Constance Universities.

The meeting was a first moment of collaboration between the universities of the Alpine Region for the identification of strategic actions in research and training to facilitate the ecological transition of the EUSALP area.

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