31 May 2021

30 minutes with… UNIMONT

What we study, what we do, how to become a mountain professional… listen to those at the Unimont Centre!

10th JUNE 2021, 11.30-12.00 | 30 MINUTES WITH… A UNIMONT RESEARCHER

Today we meet Davide Pedrali, a UNIMONT researcher who deals with qualitative and nutritional component analysis of typical Alpine products for the conservation of mountain biodiversity.

Davide will tell us about his experience in UNIMONT and will briefly explain his research activity.



24th JUNE 2021, 11.30-12.00 | 30 MINUTES WITH… UNIMONT STUDENTS (double interview)

Two students of the UNIMONT Undergraduate course in Improvement and Protection of Mountain Environments, through a “double” interview, will talk about their university experience at UNIMONT, the reasons that led them to undertake this training course and future opportunities, as well as advice and suggestions to potential students.


8th JULY 2021, 11.30-12.00 | 30 MINUTES WITH… AN ERASMUS STUDENT

Dario is a graduate of the Undergraduate course in Improvement and Protection of Mountain Environments who, during his training at UNIMONT, undertook a study experience abroad through the Erasmus + program. Students who take advantage of this opportunity mostly tend to follow courses that broaden their scientific knowledge, as well as carrying out internships or degree theses in established laboratories. Dario will talk about his choice and his experience in Madrid.


22nd JULY 2021, 11.30-12.00 | 30 MINUTES WITH… A UNIMONT GRADUATE

Cecilia, a Graduate of the Degree course in Improvement and Protection of Mountain Environments, undertook an internship at the Agroscope Research Center after her master’s degree. UNIMONT graduates become Mountain System Experts, capable of identifying the specific natural, agro-environmental and forestry resources of mountain areas to enhance them in traditional and innovative, sustainable and quality production processes.

Cecilia will talk about her experience in UNIMONT, as well as the activities that led her to make work choices. In addition, she will talk about her future prospects, linked to her passion for mountain areas.



26th AUGUST 2021, 11.30-12.00 | 30 MINUTES WITH… A UNIMONT LECTURER

The Undergraduate course in Improvement and Protection of Mountain Environments prepares graduates who have good basic knowledge in the main fields of agricultural and forestry sciences, with particular reference to mountain environments. The professional profile formed is that of a mountain system specialist, capable of identifying specific natural, agro-environmental, forestry and territorial resources to enhance them in traditional and innovative, sustainable and quality production processes.

Today we will attend a lesson simulation to introduce you to the UNIMONT training experience, discover the teaching approach and bring you closer to the world of the mountains.


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