24 November 2015

Trieste, Natural History Museum, conference: “Healing with Nature: Myths and Reality”

On 26th November 2015, at 6.00 pm at the Meeting Room of the Civic Museum of Natural History of Trieste, in via dei Tominz 4, there will be the seminar: “Healing with Nature: Myths and Reality”.
It is widely believed that “Nature” is able to solve all our diseases, but the scientific data tell us that this is not quite true. In fact, the marvellous arsenal of substances that some plants provide can be helpful in many situations, but it does not make miracles. In addition, to make the most of the medicinal plants potential, and stay away from any danger, competent professionals should be asked.
Speaker: Roberto Della Loggia, pharmacologist, expert in herbal medicine.
The event is organized by the Scientific Museums Department of the City of Trieste, and will be introduced by Giuliano Bettella, CICAP FVG.
Admission is free until full capacity is available.

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