3 March 2017

RESTARTALP: a startup project to do business in the Alps

For the fourth year Unimont confirms its partnership to support the ReStartAlp project, organized by Edoardo Garrone Foundation and Cariplo Foundation, to create startups committed to the economic and social development of the Alpine region.

ReStartAlp, promoted by Edoardo Garrone Foundation and Cariplo Foundation, is a business incubator for the revival of the Alpine economy in order to create development opportunities for the Italian mountains, starting from the ideas of young people. The project is aimed, in fact, at those who are under 35 and wish to start an activity in the Alps.

This training course, lasting 10 weeks – from 26th June to 29th September, 2017 – with a pause in August, will take place with a free residential campus in Premia (VCO) in the North Western Alps, The program aims to train 15 young aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business in the areas of: agriculture, livestock, forestry, agro-food, tourism, culture and crafts. In addition, the residential formula offers participants the opportunity to socialize and compare ideas with other areas and the local community: effective and practical training, thanks to a qualified team of teachers, experts and professionals and a network of partners, including the Edolo Mountain University who will support students along the way.

To facilitate the implementation of projects, the Edoardo Garrone Foundation will award prizes for a total of 60,000 Euros to encourage the best projects.

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