16 May 2017

UNIMONT at the first Italian Festival of Sustainable Development

The Mountain University, the Edolo Campus of the University of Milan has organized three conferences as part of the Sustainable Development Festival 2017, which will take place from 22nd May to 7th June.

Among the over 200 events planned throughout Italy, promoted by more than 160 organizations part of the Alliance, the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development and others, the Mountain University – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan – has decided to take part organizing three events:

A large and inclusive event with over one thousand speakers, dozens of universities and 200 schools involved  as well as innovative cultural activities and formats. The system in which we currently live is no longer sustainable, and needs to be completely rethought not only at an economic, but also at an environmental, social and cultural level. In order to raise awareness on these topics, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS) has organized a Festival that will last 17 days, one for each of its objectives.

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