16 May 2017

UNIMONT at the multidisciplinary workshop “Rock and Stone: Material Culture and Practical Culture”

There will be a conference entitled “Rock and Stone: Material Culture and Practical Culture” organized by Nature, Art & Habitat (NAHR), with the patronage of various national and/or regional institutions and the partnership of the Val Taleggio Ecomuseum on 2nd, 3rd ,4th  and 10th, 11th  June, in Val Taleggio (Bergamo)

The main focus of the workshop in the 2017 edition is the Rock of the Pre-alps as an eco-productive resource that requires careful management in the Val Taleggio ecosystem where local quarrying systems have allowed the “stone” to be used for building. Rock and Stone are the substrate of life that shapes natural landscapes, giving a local “look” to built environments. The course aims to provide information about modern culture regarding the landscape, the environment and architecture through an analysis of the pre-Alpine geological formations, a visit to the quarries and rediscovery of traditional architecture.

Specialists from various sectors will take part in the conference, including Professoressa Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University, a University of Milan Campus, who will be part of the jury for the “urban stone rug” project, in the module KNOWING THE ENVIRONMENT TO REPRESENT AND TO DO on Saturday 10th June, where the new book “Piccole Italie” by the Hon. Enrico Borghi, National President Uncem and PD leader in the Environment, Territory and Public Works Commission at the House of Deputies, will also be presented.

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