28 July 2017

Approval of the preliminary procedure for the internal area “Appennino Lombardo – Alto Oltrepo Pavese” to become a green, slow, aware and connected community

The presentation of the preliminary Strategy for the Oltrepò Pavese – Appennino Lombardo was held on 27th July, in the presence of the Undersecretary Ugo Parolo.

Approximately 100 participants, including young people, innovators, administrators and citizens of the Alto Oltrepò area, met once again at the prestigious Malaspina Castle in Varzi for the presentation of the Preliminary Strategy procedure realized as a result of focus groups and thanks to the joint planning of 15 municipalities of the institutional partnership of the Alto Oltrepò Pavese with technical assistance of the Mountain University (UNIMONT), Lombardy Region and the Technical Committee for Internal Areas.

Main topics of the opening speech by the Mayor of Varzi, Gianfranco Alberti, Head of the Appennino Lombardo Strategy, included a description of the work done so far, evidence of the strong participation of local people and satisfaction for the achievement of these results.

Presentation of the Preliminary Strategy was supported by the Mountain University  which provided local technical assistance in setting up the strategy.  Prof. Giorgi, responsible for the activities of technical assistance in the Alto Oltrepò Pavese area, stressed the importance of placing a strong focus on activating the entire territory in order to draw up the Preliminary Strategy –  preliminary meetings attracted wide and qualified public interest, providing the basis for achieving objectives  and will be even more crucial in the next steps. The key theme of ​​the Alto Oltrepò Strategy will be based on “rediscovery” together with sustainable innovation of the rural specificities of the territory.

In conclusion, during the discussion with local innovators and stakeholders Ugo Parolo, Regional Undersecretary for Relations with the Regional Council, Mountain Policy, EUSALP and Four Motors for Europe, communicated the good news: approval of the preliminary strategy for the Alto Oltrepò Pavese – Appennino Lombardo and provision of about 19 million euros of which 15 million made available by the Lombardy Region as part of the ROP and 3.74 million euros of state funding. An historic challenge for the Alto Oltrepò Pavese to reverse critical trends in the area, becoming a green community,  which is “slow”, aware and connected.

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