3 October 2017

UNIMONT in Siena at Millennials Fest 2017 | Offi-cial Side-Event of G7 Science&Technology

On 5th – 6th October the Mountain University – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan – was invited to Millennials Fest 2017, an opportunity  for sharing ex-periences and discussion on innovation.

The Millennials Fest, organized by the University of Siena and the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), is a unique event in which research organizations, universities, companies, institutions, farmers, representative bodies and local organizations in the agro-food sector interact and collaborate in a system of innovation to find new processes and new innovative organizational forms. The event, the official side-event of G7 Science & Technology, focused on the nutritional, social and productive needs of millennials and their lifestyles.

Anna Giorgi, of the Mountain University, was invited to contribute to the Festival by sharing experiences of innovation by young entrepreneurs in the agro-environmental sector in mountain areas. The agro-environmental sector in the mountains is an sector of excellence in continuous evolution in Italy and the Mountain University has, for several years, been experimenting with innovative actions and methods aimed at the economic and social growth of mountain territories by investing in the training of young entrepreneurs.

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