23 October 2017

UNIMONT team of researchers takes part in the international conference “Mountains in the Changing World” in Nepal

On 27th and 28th October, the Mountain University – center of excellence at the Edolo Campus of the University of Milan – will present the results of its knowledge and research related to mountainous areas at the international conference “Mountains in the Changing World” organized by the Institute of Applied Sciences of Kathmandu.

Mountains safeguard great biodiversity and play a key role in maintaining global ecosystems, despite being vulnerable to rapid environmental change. The international conference “Mountains in the Changing World” (MoChWo), to be held in Kathmandu, brings together scholars, researchers, policy makers and students from all over the world in order to share experiences and identify strategies that will allow sustainable development of mountain territories.

The UNIMONT team of researchers, led by Anna Giorgi, will participate in the MoChWo conference in order to present and share research results as well as to coordinate the session “Frontiers of Agroeconomy and Mountain Livelihoods (PA-FAE -2)” on 28th October, providing scientific contributions on the themes of conservation of agro-biodiversity and agriculture/agri-ecology:

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