20 September 2018

UNIMONT at the 28th edition of Incontri Tra/ Montani: dairy production and animal husbandry in the Alpine and pre-Alpine valleys

The 28th edition of the Incontri Tra/Montani, an event dedicated to the historical, economic and cultural aspects of  dairy and zootechnical activities and their rediscovered value for territorial development, took place from 28th to 30th September 2018, in Valassina – Prato Buscante di BARZIO (LC).

The conference “DAIRY ART AND ZOOTECHNY IN THE ALPINE AND PREALPINE VALLEYS: from tradition a new resource for the future” aims to compare various Alpine and pre-Alpine contexts in order to analyze the general situation of the economy and the dairy and zootechnical activities past and present and to promote their development and conservation for the future of mountain territories.

In a scenario so rich in complexity and potential, it is important to focus on human capital and the challenges and opportunities that will need to be addressed in the future. For this reason, with the aim of conserving and enhancing dairy production, Prof. Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University (UNIMONT) – University of Milan was asked to contribute on University training and quality production“.

The annual conference of Incontri Tra/ Montani aims to create a network of non-institutional relations between groups operating in the Italian, Swiss, Austrian and French Alps, with the aim of promoting mutual knowledge, collaboration, exchange of analysis and possible proposals.

Siberian wheat of Valtellina – a local traditional variety

As part of the strategic initiatives for the economic revitalization of mountain areas, the numerous local varieties and breeds have a central role, representing unique resources to be surveyed, characterized and enhanced through specific high-income agro-food chains. In this sense the Mountain University (UNIMONT) – University of Milan is carrying out important work in the valleys of Lombardy in synergy with the national and international networks operating in this area.

Thanks to collaboration with farmers, and local and regional institutions, UNIMONT   has revived the cultivation of the Nero Spinoso Corn, an ancient variety of the Vallecamonica with excellent nutritional characteristics, and has recently discovered and characterized also a traditional local cultivar of Siberian buckwheat ( Fagopyrum tataricum), typical of Valtellina and Valcamomica, rich in molecules with antioxidant activity.

For “MEETmeTONIGHT 2018″ – European Researchers’ Night – an initiative promoted by the European Commission, there was a public meeting held by UNIMONT researchers together with the staff of the Directorate General for Agriculture of the Lombardy Region for the start of the registration process of the “Siberian Grain Valtellinese”  in the National Register of Conservation Varieties. Fabio Rolfi – Councilor for Agriculture, Food and Green Systems of the Lombardy Region opened the meeting.

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