8 June 2020

Online Webinar dedicated to soil consumption in the Alpine Region

The CRC Gesdimont of UNIMONT – Pole of Excellence of the University of Milan – promotes a moment of comparison between international standards on the issues of soil conservation and the conservation of ecosystem services in the Alpine Region. The webinar is part of the activity of the ARPAF Impuls4Action project – which sees the collaboration between three different EUSALP action groups.


Over the last 120 years, temperatures in the Alpine region have risen by almost two degrees Celsius – about twice as much as the global average. This rise in temperature has consequences for Alpine ecosystems and the soils which are becoming increasingly fragile. Therefore, new approaches to soil conservation have to be implemented in order to preserve the ecosystem services present in the Alpine Region.

The webinar aims at triggering a discussion on this matter, constituting at the same time a platform to exchange best practices and measures implemented in the 48 regions within the EUSALP (EU Strategy per the Alpine Region) area. The questions the webinar will address are as follows: what are the problems the AR is still facing? Which are the best practices existing and ongoing? How can these best practices be integrated and transferred to different regions?

The participants will be divided into three thematic subgroups in order to conduct an in-depth discussion on (1) water management and retention in Alpine Soils, (2) Inner development and (3) peatlands conservation and restoration. Consequently, a plenary session will provide the participants with an overview of the different discussions and future steps to be implemented through the ARPAF Impuls4Action project and within the EUSALP Strategy.


The Impuls4Action project aims to trigger actions to support sustainable development on all levels by providing appropriate tools, raising awareness and finding new models for sustainable soil protection in the Alps. Climate change increases the need for integrative activities and tailor-made instruments concerning soil protection and Green Infrastructure (GI) development. There are three thematic pilot cases:
1. Water management in Alpine soils,
2. Inner Development and
3. Peatlands


The webinar will take place exclusively in live streaming. Those interested in actively contributing to the discussion between experts are asked to send an email request to stefano.sala1@unimi.it, Unimont researcher involved in this project.

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