TREE distribution patterns: HillslopE failuRe preventiOn through forest management (TREE:HERO)

The TREE: HERO project is part of a funding program of the Cariplo Foundation dedicated to research on hydrogeological risk with the aim of improving the prediction, prevention and mitigation of natural phenomena such as landslides. Landslides are a constant threat to the Italian mountain areas and can cause damage to the population, property and infrastructure.

The project aims to develop models capable of producing susceptibility maps taking into account the effects of the presence of forests and the impact of natural or artificial disturbances on them.

During the project, a three-dimensional and physically based model will be implemented for the assessment of the susceptibility to landslide risk. The model should be capable of incorporating both traditional geotechnical and hydrological data, and information relating to the characteristics of the forests. Furthermore, the model will allow to simulate the effectiveness of different silvicultural management on the stability of the slopes.

Start Year
End Year
Funding Body
Cariplo Foundation
C.r.C. Ge.S.Di.Mont.

Gian Battista Bischetti, Alessio Cislaghi

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