29 March 2021

Collaboration with schools is increasing. UNIMONT and the F. Meneghini Insitute, a High School in Edolo, invest in training and involve young people.

UNIMONT -the University of Milan Centre of Excellence has launched a process of collaboration with the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore F. Meneghini in Edolo to involve the young people of Valle Camonica in a project to enhance the territory.

The project is entitled “Paths to enhance territorial heritage in Val Camonica” and is funded by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with ANCI, for which UNIMONT is working with the aim of collecting ideas and proposals to develop a strategic plan that enhances territorial uniqueness and promotes work activities in the area, in a sustainable way. It is essential to involve young people in future challenges in the context of improving and enhancing a particular territory.

Hence, UNIMONT has directly involved the students of the F. Meneghini High School in Edolo by inviting them to contribute to the project. Students have participated both in the thematic focus groups open to the local population, and in a student-only meeting dedicated to identifying strategic proposals and actions according to their ideas in order to facilitate development processes in the area. This meeting, held on Thursday 11th March 2021 with 91 students, proved in particular to be a lively and stimulating opportunity for sharing ideas, in which the importance of investing in human capital for the enhancement of mountain areas emerged, as well as the need to promote sustainable and experiential forms of tourism, which must be effectively communicated and narrated, together with that of creating opportunities for sharing best practices and experiences by local stakeholders.

The work of collaboration and sharing between UNIMONT and the Lombardy High Schools network, of which the Meneghini Institute in Edolo is part, will be implemented in order to create greater synergy between universities and schools, with the aim of providing young people with skills, knowledge and useful tools by actively involving them to deal with environmental, economic and social changes, proposing sustainable and innovative solutions for the development of mountain areas. Indeed, schools, as established by the Agenda 2030, approved by the UN, have the educational task of promoting the habit of sharing a sustainable organization model, based on the collaboration and mutual co-interest of all the training agencies in the area, through the adoption of active and constructive, authentic and cooperative, generative models of teaching and learning situations.

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