26 November 2021

The UNIMONT center takes part in a discussion to identify the best sustainable practices for repopulating the mountain areas of the province of Biella

On Wednesday 3rd November, the UNIMONT – University of Milan centre took part in a meeting organized by the CGIL of Biella to identify strategic and sustainable policies to repopulate the mountains. The UNIMONT experience highlights how the ability to correctly interpret the potential of mountain areas is crucial for transforming disadvantages into opportunities.

The CGIL of Biella has decided to organize a discussion with mountain professionals, as a stimulus to identify best practices aimed at guaranteeing the repopulation of the mountain areas of Biella and ensuring a sustainable future for local communities.

The contribution of UNIMONT – centre of excellence of the University of Milan, entirely dedicated to the mountains and located in Edolo, in a small town in the Central Alps – will highlight how acting from within a territory is fundamental to identify the most effective priorities and actions to promote a sustainable development process capable of overcoming a concept of marginality and making mountain areas more competitive. The experience of the Centre will also demonstrate how the enhancement of mountain areas requires a specific commitment to train young people who want to live and work in the mountains, but also to create a synergistic and collaborative action with local actors aimed at triggering a path of innovation useful to face the current global challenges.

Speakers during the meeting: Marvi Massazza Gal, Secretary General SPI CGIL Biella; Gianna Fracassi, National Secretariat CGIL; Anna Giorgi, Full Professor and Coordinator of the Degree Course Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment, UNIMONT – University of Milan; Director of the Research Center for Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas – GESDIMONT; Delegate of the Rector of the University of Milan for the promotion of teaching, research and third mission for the enhancement of mountain areas; Paolo Furia, Researcher, University of Turin; Nerina Dirindin, Professor, University of Turin; Roberto Colombero, President UNCEM Piedmont. Modera Andrea Formagnana, Journalist of “Il Biellese”.

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