30 March 2022

OPEN DAY Bachelor’s Degree Course “Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment”

The UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan is organizing an Open Day on Saturday 7th May 2022 at 10.00 a.m. to present the training offer of the centre, and, in particular, the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment.

The Open Day is dedicated to future students who wish to enroll in UNIMONT – the “Mountain University”, a centre of excellence of the University of Milan located in Edolo, in the heart of the Alps, and want to learn more about the educational offer, study facilities and campus location, as well as meeting students graduate and lecturers.

The event will be an opportunity not only to attend the presentation of the undergraduate course by the coordinator and lecturers, who will present the University, teaching and research activities and provide information about internships, but also to ask questions or for advice from UNIMONT students and graduates. Moreover, during the Open Day, useful information will be provided regarding accommodation available in Edolo and participants will be able to visit the classrooms and laboratories.

The meeting will take place both on site, in Via Alessandro Morino 8, in Edolo, and in live streaming via the Zoom platform. To partecipate in the meeting: REGISTER HERE!


  • Presentation of the Undergraduate Course
  • Presentation of research and internship activities
  • Meeting with students and graduates
  • Information about Accommodation

Opportunity to book a visit to the educational facilities and laboratories.

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