30 March 2022

PREHISTORY WEBINAR: take part in a series of meetings on rock art and the Copper Age of Valle Camonica

As part of the scientific collaboration agreement between the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici and the University of Milan (Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, and the Research Center “Centre of Applied Studies for the Sustainable Management and Protection of Mountain Areas – Ge.S.DiMont” part of the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan), 10 online meetings held by the main experts in rock art and the Copper Age of Valcamonica, will be organized.

Starting from 30th March, 2022, the Prehistory Course of Professor Umberto Tecchiati of the University of Milan is enriched with important contributions. As part of Module C “Art and iconography manifestations in the Copper Age of Northern Italy”, online webinars will be organized regarding the Copper Age and rock art in Valcamonica. The webinars can be attended by students of the course and all those interested.

These meetings are part of the new alliance between the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici and the University of Milan which aims to enhance the cultural and environmental heritage of mountain areas, developing synergies and promoting training, scientific research and knowledge transfer events in order to increase the competitiveness of these areas, also through projects that include the collaboration and involvement of international contributors.

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