13 April 2022

MOUNTAINSIDE. A new Master’s degree program specifically for the sustainable development of mountain areas

The new Master’s Degree course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS, promoted by the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan, belongs to category LM 73: the only Master’s degree category that includes the sustainable development of mountain areas among its objectives.

The Master’s Degree Course in “VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS” (MOUNTAINSIDE) aims to define a new professional profile with a systematic vision of mountain issues. The training course differs from other existing courses in the same LM 73 category, as it is specific for mountain areas, multidisciplinary and “glocal”, that is, it links local and global dimensions.

Moreover, the strategic location of the degree course at the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan in the mountain municipality of Edolo (BS), in the Valle Camonica is a distinctive strength of this training offer. In addition to facilitating educational activities in the environment, it guarantees students practical experience of life in the mountains, which in itself contributes to the training of professionals who are aware of the specific characteristics of the context in which (or for which) they will have to work. On the other hand, the substantial network of mountain stakeholders at regional, national and international levels – which includes universities, public and private bodies, trade associations, companies and workers – allows the degree program to adopt and promote a methodological and operative approach which is far more than local.

“It will be a Master’s degree with an all-round approach to the mountains. We will talk about agriculture, the environment, tourism, communication, because knowing how to communicate for those who live and work in, and valorize the mountains, is essential. And it will be necessary to know how to do all this in Italian and English,” says Prof. Anna Giorgi, Coordinator of the Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment and Director of the Research Center for the Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas – GESDIMONT (CLICK HERE to listen to the full interview).

The training course integrates the main core of subjects characterizing the environmental and agro-forestry area with those belonging to apparently dissimilar areas, such as the history of economics, geography, communication, which are however necessary to clearly delineate the specific context of mountain territories and to acquire the ability to adequately transmit their unique and valuable resources in society. These aspects distinguish the new MOUNTAINSIDE Master’s Degree which prepares to support the definition, implementation and management of policies on natural resources and common goods and their relationships with human activities, paying particular attention to ensuring sustainability.


The Master’s Degree Course in VALORIZATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MOUNTAIN AREAS (MOUNTAINSIDE) will be presented during a meeting to be held on Monday 2nd May 2022 at 5.30 pm. It will be possible to participate in presence at the UNIMONT centre of the University of Milan in Edolo (BS) or in live streaming on Zoom.



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