29 June 2022

The UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan will take part in the event “We will live in the mountains – Highlands, a system of new eco-knowledge for our life and for the environment”

On Thursday 9 June 2022 Prof. Anna Giorgi Coordinator of the  Undergraduate Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment of the University of Milan, UNIMONT  Centre – will take part in the event “We will live in the mountains – Highlands, a system of new eco-knowledge for our life and for the environment” in Milan.

Together with Prof. Anna Giorgi, Tiziano Maffezzini President of UNCEM (UNCEM (Unione Nazionale Comuni Comunità Enti Montagna) Lombardy delegation – and Mauro Mussin Technical Direction ARPA (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) Lombardy  will also attend the event. Three important institutional figures who play leading roles in study, training and observation, in intervention for eco-sustainable development, in the extension of welfare and data network services, in the protection of the very rich biological heritage, in hydrogeological safety and finally, in the historical conservation of the mountains starting from the hills (low, medium, high), too often forgotten and neglected.

In Italy the mountain and the plain are very close, one affects the other, reciprocally. Behaviour, problems, positive actions, natural or man-made disasters in the plains reach far up into the mountains. And vice versa, inevitably. Mountains and plains, towns, villages and cities are connected and interdependent; cultures, knowledge, ways of life are shared; discovering that it is a smart idea to help, respect, welcome, preserve.

The meeting will be an opportunity to learn about ongoing projects on these issues and how many new and unknown opportunities the mountains offer us. The mountain territory is the protagonist of the “2022 – International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development” launched by the UN.

The event will take place next Thursday – 9th June – at 9.00 pm, at Villa Scheibler – Via F. Orsini, 21, Milan.

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