28 March 2023

Become a mountain professional: discover the training offer of the UNIMONT Campus!

The UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan presents a complete educational offer – a Bachelor’s Degree Course (L-25) and a Master’s Degree Course (LM-73) – dedicated to the enhancement and promotion of the sustainable development of mountain areas.

The Three-year Bachelor’s Degree Course “Development and Protection of the Mountain Environmentis aimed at all those who wish to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities applicable in various fields of intervention for the protection and development of mountain areas.

The Master’s Degree Course “Valorization And Sustainable Development Of Mountain Areasis, on the other hand, an international study path, held in English, dedicated to those who wish to qualify as expert professionals, through excellent academic preparation in the field of resources specific to mountain territories in many strategic sectors for their economy.

Both training courses take place entirely in Edolo (BS), a mountain municipality in the heart of the Central Alps. This location allows students to directly experience the territorial dimension typical of mountain areas, while at the same time coming into contact with a network of stakeholders at regional, national and international levels.

Forge your future in the mountains thanks to the Degree Courses at the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan

Three-year degree course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment  (L-25)

The trained professional profile is that of a mountain specialist, capable of identifying the specific natural, agro-environmental and territorial resources in order to enhance them in traditional and innovative, sustainable and quality production processes, and at the same time to protect the environment, through appropriate and specific management approaches.

Master’s Degree course in Valorization and Sustainable Development Of Mountain Areas (LM-73)

The specific knowledge, skills and competences of a historical-geographical, juridical-legislative and economic nature will allow the graduate to contribute to the development of suitable business and marketing strategies, to know and use effective digital communication techniques to become a professional expert in mountain areas.


Do you want more information? Call or write to us now! We can also put you in touch with some students, to find out for yourself the opinions of those who have decided to build their future in the mountains!

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