22 December 2023

Knowledge for the restoration and conservation of mountain ecosystems: Find out more with documents and recordings provided by Mountain Research and Development

Mountain Research and Development (MRD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), as part of the PRIMA Project funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC), jointly organize MRD Talks events with the aim of promoting discussion between research, entrepreneurship and politics based on scientific research relevant to sustainable mountain development.

MRD Talk #06 explored various experiences on how different types of knowledge can support evidence-based restructuring of mountain landscapes to promote the resilience of mountain communities.

UNIMONT, a University of Milan Centre engaged in global research on these issues and leader of the Horizon Europe MountResilience Project, highlights the relevance of the insights shared during the event and invites anyone interested in the topic to view the recording and read the related in-depth information available on the dedicated page of the MRD website.

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