7 June 2024

A future for Mountain Areas in post 2027 EU priorities – UNIMONT at the Moving final conference

On June 13th and 14th, MOVING (MOuntain Valorisation through INterconnectedness and Green Growth) will hold a final conference in Brussels. This event, in which UNIMONT, Milan University Hub, has been invited to participate, will be an opportunity to highlight the key role of rural and mountain areas in achieving European policy objectives and targets by 2030.


The MOVING project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, worked to engage stakeholders and policy makers in the creation and development of value chains that contribute to the resilience and sustainability of mountain areas in connection with climate change. The final conference ‘A FUTURE FOR MOUNTAIN AREAS IN POST2027 EU PRIORITIES’ intends to illustrate the key role of mountains and rural areas in achieving Europe’s 2030 policy objectives and targets.

The first day will focus on the challenges facing rural and mountain regions, as well as solutions that can strengthen communities and pave the way for vibrant rural economies. Prof. Anna Giorgi, Full Professor of the University of Milan and Head of the Unimont Centre, will speak on a high-level panel together with Eleftherios Stavropoulos, Head of Urban and Spatial Development Policies at the EU Joint Research Centre, and Klavdija Noemi-Ramsak, Head of Policies for Rural Areas and Networks at the European Commission’s DG AGRI, in a dialogue on possible solutions at European level for rural and mountain regions. The debate will be moderated by Carla Lostrangio, Head of Rural and Territorial Development for the European Association for Innovation in Local Development (AEIDL).

During the second day, the conference will focus on the recommendations and Policy Roadmap drafted by MOVING to unlock the potential value of mountain areas with a focus on the post-2027 programming period.


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