11 June 2024

MOUNTAINSIDE – Web Communication for Sustainable Mountain Valorisation

The English-language Master’s Degree Course “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE offers a distinctive, multidisciplinary, and “glocal” training experience, blending local perspectives with an international outlook.


Francesco Tissoni, Researcher at the University of Milan and teacher of the “Web Communication Theories and Techniques” course at the UNIMONT hub, underlines the importance of the topic in the context of the Master’s Degree Course “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE highlighting that:

The ‘Web Communication Theories and Techniques’ course represents a crucial added value for the Master’s Degree in Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas. Through this course, students acquire fundamental skills in digital communication and in the effective management of online platforms, essential tools to promote sustainable development initiatives and to attract attention to specific projects in mountain areas.

The application of web communication theories and techniques allows students to design and implement targeted information campaigns, essential for raising public awareness and involving local communities and stakeholders in the conservation and enhancement of mountain heritage.

Furthermore, the presence of a module dedicated to sustainability communication provides the tools to correctly involve users on such a delicate topic“.


▶ Enroll in the Master’s Degree Course ‘Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas – MOUNTAINSIDE’

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