15 October 2024

Research and governance: The impact of universities and international cooperation for the sustainable development of mountain areas

During the XIII European Mountain Convention, the new Catalan strategy for mountain areas will be presented, established thanks to sharing and comparison of ideas within international working groups including the network established by Euromontana. Strategic processes that highlight once again the fundamental role of research institutions in supporting the definition of priorities and strategies for the sustainable development of mountain territories.


Organized by Euromontana, the Government of Catalonia and CREAF, the XIII European Mountain Convention aims to identify solutions to make mountain economies more sustainable, resilient and prosperous, exploiting the integration between research and governance.

The conference will highlight the new Catalan strategy for mountain areas, developed thanks to the contribution of research centres and scientific institutions. This strategy aims to address the economic, social and environmental challenges that characterize mountain areas, proposing innovative policies that respond to the specific needs of these territories. The example of Catalonia attests to the importance of dialogue and interaction between the world of research and that of governance, as further demonstrated within an Italian context by the recent publication of the White Paper on the Mountains – research conducted by UNIMONT, the Alpine hub of the University of Milan, on behalf of the Department of Regional Affairs and Autonomies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.


▶ Discover the programme of the 13th European Mountain Convention

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