UNIMONT at a three day conference for the national digital school plan

FUTURAcqua enlivened the city of Rieti with three days of training, innovation, experiences, workshops and shows about the Digital School and the Water Cities of the future on 7-8-9 June 2018.

On this occasion, the mountains, too, play a particularly interesting role in launching a strategy of innovation in Italian schools and positioning the education system in the digital age. In fact, on Friday, 8th June, Anna Giorgi of UNIMONT – Center of Excellence of the University of Milan in Edolo, as Coordinator and scientific manager of the Italian Mountain Lab project – FISR project, special supplementary research fund for the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR),  intervened during the session WATER, A MOUNTAIN OF ENERGY – Education regarding environmental heritage: accessibility, participation and digital culture.

The Italian Mountain Lab project, set up by the Mountain University in collaboration with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Tuscia, aims to promote a training and research laboratory regarding the Italian mountains, which also involves the awareness of Italian high schools, through the establishment of a technological and digital platform able to build on common competences and experiences present in Italy, overcoming physical distances.

For the whole school community and citizens in general, it was a unique opportunity to explore, deepen and live the themes of the National Plan for the Digital School #PNSD in Italy.

UNIMONT at the 2018 Forum Alpinum

After the Forum Alpinum 2014 “Alpine Resources. Use, valorisation and management from local to macro-regional scale”, held in Darfo Boario Terme (BS) under the Italian presidency of the International Scientific Committee for Alpine Research (ISCAR), represented by Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University – Edolo centre of the University of Milan, UNIMONT participated in the Forum Alpinum 2018.

The Forum Alpinum is a scientific conference that promotes international cooperation for research on topics of relevance in the Alps. This year, the Forum Alpinum identified the key elements for the use and management of water resources, analyzing any conflicts and evaluating possible solutions.

NEMOR – Network for European Mountain Research was also presented during the Forum Alpinum on 6th June – the new European network of researchers which aims to promote research and sustainable development for mountain areas in Europe, of which UNIMONT is among the founding members thanks to its experience in the valorisation of mountain areas, as well as in interacting with the European and international context.

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