Mountains need capable entrepreneurs and young innovators with clear ideas. The Mountains need You! Tell us about your experience

UNIMONT – the University of Milan Center of Excellence situated in Edolo (BS) and dedicated to training and research for the development of mountain areas as part of the ”Cooperation Agreement with the Lombardy region, for scientific and applied research and diffusion of knowledge concerning the Lombardy mountain territory”- under art. 4 c. 27 of the Reg. Law 22/2016 (Dir. Presidency – Planning of integrated projects for the development of mountain areas), today launched: “MOUNTAIN ENTREPRENEURS AND INNOVATORS”.

The action consists in opportunities for young entrepreneurs and innovators working in the Alps to become active partners in a shared project that can enhance their business in the Mountains.

OBJECTIVE: to share and promote experiences and contribute as protagonists to the relaunching of “vertical” territories, to co-create services to support economic growth, to be involved in the activation of a network of high value enterprises for mountain areas.

TELL US YOUR EXPERIENCE: tell us about the history of your company and your experience as an entrepreneur at high altitude. Your contributoin, combined with data collected and analyzed by the UNIMONT multidisciplinary team, will help us to depict the current situation, to represent the activities of companies operating in different sectors strategic for the economy of mountain areas and to find out about the needs and innovative ideas proposed directly by those who work as entrepreneurs in the territory in order to promote the development of useful and free services also for you.


All entrepreneurs interested in the project “Young entrepreneurs and innovative businesses in mountain areas” will contribute in a significant way to increasing contacts between the world of research and that of companies hence leading to new studies and research useful to entrepreneurs, shared projects, provision of activities to provide information. The project will also allow you to:

  •  publish information about your company on the UNIMONT portal *
  • know and get in touch with other entrepreneurs working in mountain areas
  • contribute to drawing up suggestions for policy makers and administrators on issues regarding mountain farms
  • use the facilities UNIMONT and its project partners will provide for mountain entrepreneurs (legislation; info regarding calls for regional, Italian and European financing, useful contacts; free training courses; help desk for businesses, etc.) in the coming months
  • host students with relevant training for internships in your company, establishing a direct relationship with UNIMONT

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