Forum Alpinum 2018

From the 4th to the 6th of June 2018, on the occasion of the Austrian Presidency of the Alpine Convention, ISCAR organises the Forum Alpinum 2018, that will focus on water use.

The changing of environment and climate conditions such as the growing demand are leading to struggles for the use of water and its management in the Alps. The Forum Alpinum will identify the key elements of water use and management, by analysing possible conflicts and evaluating possible solutions.

Indeed, this meeting aims to provide a platform that facilitate tje dialogue between scientists, practitioner and policy makers to suggest policy recommendations on priority topics.

It is possible to participate and contribute to the Forum Alpinum, by proposing inputs to announced workshops, additional workshops or poster presentations. The contribution should be in line with the general topic of the Forum Alpinum or announced module and workshop topics. REGISTER HERE, the call will end on January 10, 2018

The Forum Alpinum 2018 and the 6th Water Conference as an integrated part of it are organised by the International Scientific Committee on Alpine Research (ISCAR) in cooperation with the Platform “Water management in the Alps” of the Alpine Convention and the Subgroup 3 “Integrated and sustainable water management” of Action Group 6 of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP).

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