Second Graduation session of A.Y. 2016/2017 of the Degree Course in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas

Nine students graduated in Conservation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas on Monday, 23rd October 2017, at the Mountain University.

Baronchelli Nathan (Magenta – MI): “Floristic characterization in alpine pastures and cheese making of Silter DOP in Vallecamonica”

Carlin Mathieu (Sarre – AO): “Characterization of honey produced by a farm in Valle d’Aosta”

Carlotti Arianna (Bergamo): “Monitoring of deer (Cervus elaphus) and management aspects in a Game Reserve in the Orobie Alps”

Lazioli Isabella (Rogno – BG): “Performance of Capra bionda dell’Adamello goats”

Nicoli Stefano (Bergamo): “Forestry nursery activities: new perspectives”

Poletti Marina (Ponte Nossa – BG): “Valorization of alpine pasture cheese production in Val Dossana”

Rodari Alessia (Esine – BS): “Morphological characteristics and behaviour of Capra bionda dell’Adamello Goats”

Tagliapini Giorgio (Gardone Riviera – BS): “Projects for private agricultural and forestry property in Alto Garda”

Vuillermoz Joel (Valpelline – AO): “Introduction of innovative techniques for the sustainable management of apple orchards in Valle d’Aosta”

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