UNIMONT hosts an international workshop dedicated to the “Circular Economy”

On 25th October, the Mountain University – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan, will be hosting a workshop dedicated to the “Circular Economy”, in preparation for the Action Program for a Green Economy in the Alpine Region.

The Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Environment Agency and the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea and the Italian Delegation to the Alpine Convention, together with the Mountain University are organizing a workshop to allow all those working in the Alps and surrounding areas who wish to make a contribution to promoting a Green Economy to meet, discuss and interact.

Taking the results of the Sixth Report on the State of the Alps “Greening the Economy in the Alpine Region” as a point of reference, the workshop aims to elaborate concrete action to create a comprehensive and ambitious Action Program for a Green Economy in the Alps. Participants will be divided into seven working groups, according to their professional activities, and will discuss and interact to define what innovation is and how it can be measured in the field of agriculture and tourism.

By virtue of its uniqueness, as a university campus operating in the mountains in Edolo, and to its practical experience in the promotion of new models of “green” entrepreneurship, as a training and research center specialized in the analysis of the complexity of the mountain territories, UNIMONT was chosen, by the German partners to host one of the six workshops on different priority themes  (sustainable use of natural resources, circular economy, role of municipalities and cities, eco-innovation, climate change, Green Finance for innovation) which aim to involve local stakeholders and give a concrete form to the Green Economy of the future in the Alps.

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