UNIMONT: presentation of Enrico Borghi’s book ” PICCOLE ITALIE Le aree interne e la questione territoriale”

Hon. Enrico Borghi – MP for the PD, Coordinator of the VII Environment and Territory Commission of the Chamber of deputies, UNCEM and Italian Mountain Foundation President, Councillor of Minister De Vincenti for the implementation of the National Strategy for Internal areas – will present his new book on 9th June at 5pm in the Main Hall of the Mountain University, Edolo Campus of the University of Milan. After the presentation, a debate will take place with the contributions of representatives of national, regional, provincial and local institutions, as well as students and other stakeholders.

 “The Mountain University, an open space for elaborating, researching and teaching about the specificities  and resources of mountain areas, is focusing attention  on  territorial issues which are, as demonstrated by Enrico Borghi’s book, a key topic for the future of Italy . We hope that our students and the whole “community” part of the UNIMONT network will take part, on-campus or online through the  virtual classroom, in a meeting which  – from a university campus that is constantly working in and for the Italian and, increasingly, European mountains on a daily basis – will prompt thought and discussion on how to make these territories a “resource” in a scenario which is complex, diversified and in many ways critical, and in which it is essential to focus attention on promising strategic assets for the future” says Anna Giorgi of the Mountain University.

“This book – says  Hon. Enrico Borghi  is the result of thought on territorial policy and in particular on what our mountainous and marginal territories  can represent  within the challenge of Italian modernization. Bottom-up innovation, new agriculture, ideas for the revitalization of the Alps and the Apennines, starting from local communities as guardians of the territory in a national perspective. This is the context for the book, after a brief historical excursus about the end of state intervention and the crisis of regionalism. The message provided by the pages of “Piccole Italie” is positive: the identity and the sense of community of an extraordinary and fragile country like Italy can be re-built starting from its internal and mountainous areas.

The event will be streamed through virtual classroom: sign up here

Participation is free and all those interested are welcome.

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