Let’s start sowing “Nero Spinoso” corn in Val Camonica

A public conference about the promotion of “Nero Spinoso” corn in Val Camonica took place on Monday 3rd April at the “Agricola Cooperativa Sociale Onlus” in Piancogno (BS)

Promoters of the initiative took part in the meeting, including mayors of the area where “Nero Spinoso” corn will be farmed. Moreover, Carlo Sacristani (Councillor for Agriculture of the Comunità Montana di ValleCamonica), Luca Giupponi (Mountain University) and Marco Mutti (Agricola Cooperativa Sociale Onlus) explained to farmers the strategic plan to promote this ancient variety of corn, that is on the national register of varieties to be protected.

The meeting attracted the attention of many farmers that are committed to growing this ancient variety and enough seeds of “Nero Spinoso” corn to cultivate 4 hectares were distributed on Saturday 15th April: a great result!

This is the first step to reintroduce a variety of corn that was close to the extinction yet has prestigious nutritional features. Thanks also to Unimont, this risk has now been eliminated.

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