Euromontana is looking for a project officer

Euromontana is looking for a Project Officer.

Start: 1st July 2016.
Contract type: VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) for one year, renewable for another year. Please note that to be eligible under this contract, the applicant should be under 29 years old when he/she start the contract and registered in the VIE database before having 28 years old. For more information: click here.
Job location: Euromontana Brussels office, with frequent travels in Europe.
Remuneration: 1746,60€/month (fixed rate defined for the VIE contract in Belgium).
Interviews: April 2016 in Brussels.
Application to be sent by 31/03/2016 to: Marie Clotteau, Director at: – with object of the email mentioning “Policy Officer at Euromontana – Your name”, including a concise CV (Europass format not compulsory) and a maximum 2-page cover letter explaining why you are
interested in working at Euromontana and why you think your profile matches our needs.

Click here for more info on the position.

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