9 May 2023

After the International Mountain Day 2022 celebrated in UNIMONT, a call for women entrepreneurs in the mountains

Following the Celebration of the International Mountain Day 2022, held in Edolo (BS) at the UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan on 12th December and dedicated to the theme “Women move mountains”, the Department for Regional Affairs and Autonomies has published a public notice to encourage “Innovative mountain enterprises run by women – IFIM”. Click here to view the call .

Public notice of the measure that finances investment programs with a high technological and innovative content by women-owned enterprises located in the mountain municipalities indicated in the relative Annex 1 was published on the website of the Department for Regional Affairs and Autonomies (DARA) of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers The overall budget is 3.9 million euros and financing is managed by Invitalia.

Applications can be submitted starting from 12.00 on 30th May 2023 until the available financial resources are finished, which will be communicated with a Notice published on the DARA institutional website.

The concessions are aimed at innovative start-ups made up mainly of women in the form of joint stock companies, including cooperatives, with an operational headquarters, or branch, in one of the mountain municipalities indicated in Annex 1 of the Notice. When submitting the application, companies must meet the following requirements:

  • be duly established and registered in the special section of the Business Register referred to in article 25, paragraph 8, of decree-law no. 179/2012;
  • have been established for no more than sixty months;
  • be small in size.

Click here for further details

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