ENROLLMENT OPEN for the Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment (class L-25)

The UNIMONT campus in Edolo of the University of Milan has opened enrollment for the Three-year Undergraduate Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment. You can now apply for admission from 15th July to 23rd September 2022: ENROL NOW!

The Degree Course in Development and Protection of the Mountain Environment, at the UNIMONT Centre – a campus that the University of Milan has activated in Edolo (BS) prepares graduates who have good basic knowledge in the main sectors of agricultural and forestry sciences, with particular reference to mountain environments, facilitating processes of innovation and the promotion of sustainable development and new activities, also in the context of a “green economy”.

The activities are carried out entirely at the UNIMONT center in the heart of the central Alps: this significantly contributes to the acquisition of practical and direct knowledge of the environmental complexity of mountain areas and allows to experience the specific organizational and functional articulation typical of small mountain territorial contexts.


  • Take the TOLC-AV provided by CISIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l’Accesso), an online test to verify the initial preparation which is non-selective but compulsory before enrollment (by 20th September 2022)
  • Enroll on the portal of the University of Milan following the procedures and deadlines specified in Article 5 of the Admission Notice (by 23rd September 2022 at 2.00 pm)


  • TOLC-AV test validity: Taken from 1st January 2021 to 20th September 2022 (it is recommended to register in good time for the Tolc -AV test )
  • Registration: From 15th July 2022 to 23rd September 2022, 2.00 pm


For more details see the Admission Notice: CLICK HERE

For further information on the Undergraduate Course: CLICK HERE

For more information on the UNIMONT Centre, how to reach it and where to stay CLICK HERE


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