1st Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP)

The event, taking place on 23-24 November 2017 at BMW World in Munich, is jointly organised by Bavaria (current Presidency of the EUSALP) and the European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy).

Stakeholders from the Alpine region will gather to take stock of the progress achieved so far, and to define the way ahead. The Forum will showcase the first results of the nine thematic Action Groups and look into the question how to tackle challenges in the region such as climate change, international economic competition, Alpine transit traffic and decreasing biodiversity together. In addition, the topics of improving governance and the outlook for a better embedding of macro-regional strategies into EU policy post 2020 will be discussed.

As the event aims at involving civil society, a Citizens Dialogue, an interactive exhibition and a Youth Conference will take place as integral part of the programme of the 1st Annual Forum of the EUSALP.

The deadline for registration is 21 November 2017.

More information, including the programme and practical information, can be found here.

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