UNIMONT partner of the “Mountains in the Changing World” international conference (MoChWo) in Nepal

October 9th and 10th, 2018
Kathmandu, Nepal

The Mountain University – Edolo branch of the University of Milan is coordinating the symposium Management of Plant Diversity for Food and Nutrition at the international conference “Mountains in the Changing World” (MoChWo), to be held in Kathmandu, Nepal on October 9th and 10th, 2018.

A team of researchers from UNIMONT led by Professor Anna Giorgi, coordinator and scientific manager of the Italian Mountain Lab (IML) project, will attend the MoChWo conference to discuss the importance of conserving and valorizing traditional mountain plant diversity at the international level. Nepal is an ideal place to have this discussion due to the country’s enormous biological and agricultural diversity much of which remains to be characterized and valorized. The Italian Mountain Lab project is a FISR project, special supplementary fund for research of the MIUR, led by UNIMONT-University of Milan in partnership with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Tuscia.

Following a general introduction on biodiversity, the Management of Plant Diversity for Food and Nutrition symposium will focus on genetic conservation and on the cultivation of traditional local varieties of edible plants. This symposium will provide a place for discussion between researchers, students, and stakeholders working on issues of global interest for the mountains.

Students and teachers from high schools across Italy will also participate in the MoChWo international conference as well as an additional scientific mission in Nepal following the event that will last until October 15. These students and teachers are winners of the first Italian hackathon dedicated specifically to the topic of mountains and are led by Lorenzo Micheli, Italian Mountain Lab Advisor. Their attendance at the conference will allow the students and teachers to continue their dialogue and exchange with communities living and working in mountain areas. The initiative is part of the alliance forged between the university and Italian high schools in the context of the Italian Mountain Lab project. The students and professors come from 15 different schools, 9 different regions, and 7 different high school faculties. They are engaged in an experimental educational program in collaboration with the university dedicated to the discovery of the mountains. The program began at the University of Milan during CIME 2017. Click here to learn more about the first Italian Hackathon on the Mountains held during CIME 2017!

Discover the Beauty of Nepal: watch the video!

Registration deadline: August 31st, 2018

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