CO.R.I.MONT. – What is said and what is done for the mountains, in the Italian mountains

UNIMONT is currently promoting the networking and activation of a Coordination of Italian Networks for the Mountains – CO.R.I.MONT. – with the objective of promoting exchange between networks already actively working for the development of mountain areas, thus laying the foundations for new alliances in the future.

In the section of the UNIMONT website dedicated to the Coordination of Italian Networks for the Mountains (CO.R.I.MONT.), you can find:

  • NEWS AND EVENTS – An aggregator for all activities organized by the networks that serves to inform experts and the general public: Italian Mountain Lab will provide a section of the UNIMONT website, a website visited by more than 40,000 users in a year, for the publication of the news and events of the national networks. This will increase the audience the networks are able to reach and will give the networks greater visibility.
  • NETWORK MAP – Visualization of the impact area of ​​the networks: Italian Mountain Lab will provide a public map that geolocalizes the networks that adhere to CO.R.I.MONT.

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