UNIMONT Centre continues work at an international level: presentation of Mountain Education & Innovation at “SUSTAINABILITY IN HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION” in Glasgow

Following the consultation process activated by the University of Milan with its UNIMONT Centre for the participation of the University of Milan at Expo 2020 Dubai, the Edolo Centre is taking part in the international event “SUSTAINABILITY IN HEALTHCARE AND EDUCATION”, held in Glasgow on 4th November 2021 – COP26 satellite event on climate change.

The Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto (MEIM) is a strategic document, the result of a consultation involving over 100 young people from 28 countries around the world, containing a series of strategic actions and recommendations to promote the sustainable development of mountain areas, and was presented by UNIMONT – University of Milan during the week dedicated to “Climate and Biodiversity” at Expo 2020 Dubai. The idea of the MEIM stemmed from the fact that education and training are two key elements to provide tools, methods, skills and knowledge useful for facing current challenges and building a sustainable future in mountain areas.

In order to highlight the importance of the opinions of young people in the sustainable development processes of mountain areas, as well as the crucial role of specific education and training, capable of grasping the potential and criticalities of mountain areas and promoting a positive change in attitudes and values ​​in future generations, the UNIMONT – University of Milan Centre was invited to contribute to the Sustainability in Healthcare and Education: Global Challenges and Solutions” event organized in Glasgow from 2nd to 4th November 2021 as part of COP26.

Specifically – on November 4th – dedicated to the empowerment of young people as the main protagonists to face the challenge of climate change, UNIMONT will present the Mountain Education and Innovation Manifesto (MEIM), which aims to support the development of a policy “favorable to the mountains”, encouraging the adhesion of public and private bodies and promoting awareness-raising activities at global, regional and local levels.

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