“Oro Rosso Delle Alpi” is a technical-scientific manual produced by UNIMONT in 2015. it is a useful tool for those who want to approach saffron cultivation as the various techniques to produce the spice are described in a simple language. (more…)
“Oro Rosso Delle Alpi” is a technical-scientific manual produced by UNIMONT in 2015. it is a useful tool for those who want to approach saffron cultivation as the various techniques to produce the spice are described in a simple language.
The UNIMONT group has carried out several studies on the possibility of growing saffron in Italy, analyzing its economic performance and quality. The publications relating to the studies are available at the following links:
The UNIMONT research group has collected the fundamental information for the production of saffron in a small brochure that can be downloaded for free by clicking HERE.