Start of second edition of the literary review “racCONTA LA MONTAGNA” by UNIMONT

Eight appointments dedicated to reading and literature on mountain themes organized from October 2018 to May 2019 by the Mountain University – Edolo Campus of the University of Milan where mountains are the protagonist as an inspiration for emblematic literary products. Also this year the combination of literature and mountain territory will be celebrated with aperitifs based on the excellent food and wine typical of the Valcamonica area and the events will also be streamed live.

UNIMONT racCONTA LA MONTAGNA: a literary review dedicated to non-fiction and fiction on mountain themes which highlights the cultural and evocative power of the mountains. The initiative is characterized by the use of technologies to bring mountains together (virtual classroom) and the combination of different types of products generated by the mountains in a creative mix.

racCONTA LA MONTAGNA takes place as part of the project Italian Mountain Lab – promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and implemented by the Mountain University in collaboration with the University of Eastern Piedmont and the University of Tuscia and will see the students of the three universities exchanging ideas with the authors of the books. Furthermore, it is part of the Cooperation Agreement between the Lombardy Region and Ge.S.Di.Mont. to promote the culture and knowledge of the mountain territory.

racCONTA LA MONTAGNA is a UNIMONT project in memory of Alida Bruni, a committed and brilliant colleague of the Mountain University who had a great passion for literature, coordinated by Arch. Claudio Gasparotti, creator and promoter of the initiative.

Partners of the initiative are the Consorzio per la Tutela dei vini I.G.T. Valcamonica, the Consorzio per la Tutela del Formaggio Silter Camuno-Sebino and the Consorzio della Castagna di Valle Camonica, which will offer their products at the end of each appointment, and Acque BrescianeFondazione Cogeme Onlus.

The initiative is sponsored by Lombardy Region, Valle Camonica Cultural District, Vallecamonica library system.

All meetings are open to the public, with free participation and are also available live through STREAMING.

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