The Bachelor’s Degree in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment aims to prepare graduates who have acquired – in addition to the scientific method of investigation and experimentation – good basic knowledge in the main sectors of agricultural and forestry sciences.
The Bachelor’s Degree belongs to the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Milan.
To enroll, please visit the website: CLICK HERE
As required by ministerial decree for the Agricultural and Forest Science and Technology degree class (L-25), graduates of the course in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment acquire a good knowledge of the main sectors of agricultural and forest science as well as the skills for conducting scientific studies and experiments. Graduates are able to perform technical, management and professional tasks relative to the agrobiological sector and relative technologies. In addition, having acquired a working knowledge of a foreign language and good communication and information management skills, they are able to work in both a European and overseas framework.
The course prepares graduates that will:
The degree course provides the prerequisites for admission to the postgraduate courses in the graduate’s relative area of specialization. Training includes the basic and professional disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Technology and Economics.
In accordance with the provisions of Ministerial Decree no. 270/2004 and in conformity with the training objectives of the class L25 degree courses, the Development and Protection of Mountain Environment programme provides the basic scientific knowledge and methodology necessary to operate in the vast sector of protection and sustainable development of mountain environments.
The course aims to provide graduates who:
The degree course provides the prerequisites for admission to the postgraduate Master’s courses in the graduate’s relative area of specialization. Upon completion of the programme, the degree in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment, Class L25 in the Agricultural and Forest Science and Technology category is conferred.
The course creates a professional who is specialized in the conservation of natural resources and the environment, in the development of local products and in tourism management within the context of sustainable development of mountain areas. A degree in Development and Protection of Mountain Environment leads to work in the following sectors: agro-zootechnical and forestry production, technical assistance, public and private administration and teaching.
Fields of competence include:
The UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan is located in Valle Camonica at Edolo (Alessandro Morino 8), Brescia.