5 January 2023

COWORCare – Coworking with children & elderly in the Alps: fill out the survey!

Are you a coworker, a coworking space operator or a coworkationist? Are you interested in the topic of coworking? Do you have children, parents or relatives who need supervision/care? Fill out the survey promoted by the international project “COWORCare – Coworking with children & Elderly in the Alps”.

The COWORCare project is an ARPAF (Alpine Region Preparatory Action Fund) III project of EUSALP with the aim to give mothers and fathers the opportunity to work in a creative environment close to their home or vacation stay and at the same time have their dependent children/elderly cared for in or close to the coworking structure.

The project aims to create an online information platform for coworking and coworkation spaces in the Alpine areas in combination with child & elderly care to enable especially young mothers and fathers and women, who still do the vast amount of social care, to work in a creative environment close to their homes /or holiday stay and having at the same time their children/elderly cared for in or nearby the coworking structure.

With this survey we would like to survey the need for care and at the same time determine to what extent a possible collaboration between a coworking space/coworking host and a care facility can work.

The deadline is set for 6th February, 2023.



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