11 October 2022

“COWORCare”: UNIMONT welcomes international partners to discuss the potential of coworking in the Alpine Region

On 6th and 7th October, as part of the international project “Coworking with children & elderly in the Alps COWORCare, UNIMONT, Centre of the University of Milan, hosted international partners from Slovenia (Slovene Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry – Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Maribor), from Germany (CoworkationALPS and e CoWorkLand eG) and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Plattform Land, Bozen).

Developed in the context of EUSALP – European Strategy for the Alpine Region, a European Macro-Regional strategy dedicated to the Alpine Region in which the UNIMONT Centre of the University of Milan collaborates with the Lombardy Region for the management of Action Group 1 – Research & Innovation (AG1), the “Coworking with children & elderly in the Alps – COWORCare” project addresses the issues of coworking and care work in Alpine mountain areas.

The aim of the project is to create an online platform dedicated to coworking and coworking spaces located in Alpine areas and capable of also offering assistance facilities for children and the elderly. These spaces represent a great opportunity for the future of the Alpine Region, as they make it possible to expand participation in the labor market even in mountain areas, reducing the number of commuters and initiating a more collaborative work culture.

The UNIMONT Center of the University of Milan welcomed the international delegations on the afternoon of 6th October. During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to share their views and discuss the progress of the project, underlining the key role that coworking spaces equipped with assistance facilities for children and the elderly will have in the future growth of the Alpine Region.

On 7th October a visit was organized at LIMES Farm – Coworking & Innovaton HUB, an innovative coworking space located in Cividate Camuno (BS) which aims to enhance local talent by offering support in the setting up and development phases of freelance activities or start-ups. The international partners therefore had the opportunity to observe a virtuous example of an active coworking space in Valle Camonica.

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