Seminars & Webinars

Through the Ge.S.Di.Mont – UNIMONT offers numerous educational and seminar activities with free participation. Often these are events open to the public held in Edolo, at other universities or locations and all delivered even remotely, through a virtual classroom via on-line streaming in which participants can actively participate. The Seminars & Webinars activity – part of the lifelong learning activities – is organized and managed by Ge.S.Di.Mont (UNIMONT Research Center).

Unfortunately the majority of seminars and webinars organized by Ge.S.Di.Mont are available only in Italian, therefore we invite you to consult the relative page in Italian, that you can find here, to have access to the entire catalog.

Climate Change & Biodiversity in mountains areas

Polo UNIMONT (Edolo, BS) & Online
Bernat Claramunt, Researcher at CREAF-Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications and Coordinator of NEMOR-Network for European Mountain Research
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