9 June 2015

EXPO “Mountain Week” – Mountain Medicine: Clinical Research, Medical Training and Nutrition

Symposium organized with Italian Society of Mountain Medicine and Central Medical Commission of Italian Alpin Club. The Symposium will focus on the state of the art of Mountain medicine and its important results achieved in training, prevention, working and research. History of feeding in high altitude populations will lead us to the importance of food taking care as energy for life.


Mountain medicine from clinical research to public health (G. Giardini-Aosta)
High altitude research: the role of Universities (G. Parati – Milano; V. Verratti – Chieti)
Ricerca in alta quota: the role of National Center of Research (L. Pratali – Pisa)
High level training in mountain and emergency medicine (L. Festi – Varese)
Working at Altitude: italian advices and recommendations (G. Taino – Pavia)

Break Video of Skyway Monte Bianco

Lecture: History of feeding in mountain populations (D.Gasparini – Padova)
For further infoi: http://www.mountainweek.org
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