Internship opportunity – September 2021 to February 2022

Euromontana, the European Association of mountain areas, offers in its Brussels office a 6-month internship as Communication Intern from September 2021 onwards.

Only students able to provide a traineeship agreement from a university will be selected.

We offer: an interesting experience to work on the communication of an EU project coupled with networking opportunities within a well-established European association (25 years).


Main missions

You will be under the responsibility of the Project Manager of Euromontana and your responsibilities will include:

  • Support for Montana174 project (a 1 year EU project focused on Cohesion Policy in mountain areas :
    • Communication tasks: writing in English items of news for the website; updating the website; drafting the project newsletter, shooting videos, preparing and animating social medial campaign, improving the layout of documents;
    • Others: support in drafting minutes of meeting, support in drafting short pedagogical materials and good practices linked to Cohesion Policy, support the manager during the reporting of the project;
  • Support the organisation in the preparation of Euromontana events and conferences (logistics, communication)
  • Support in other activities: the intern might also be requested to participate in other activities for our network (such as support on communication around the Youth Survey the network is currently disseminating).


Application form

Application to be sent by 06/08/2021 to: Maria Carla Lostrangio, Project Manager at: – including in the object of the e-mail “Euromontana: Communication Intern 2021”: a concise CV and a maximum 2-page cover letter explaining why you are interested in working at Euromontana and why you think your profile matches our needs. Please precise in your letter with which university you will be able to provide a traineeship agreement.

Only targeted applications will be analysed. Please note that candidatures will be treaded on a 1st came 1st served basis.

Please use the function “ask for a receipt of reception” of your email if you wish to make sure the email has been received.

6-month internship as Communication Intern from September 2021 onwards
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