5 June 2015

Mountain Week at EXPO Milan 2015, Today’s program

5 June 2015

The “Mountain Week” is a programme of events (conferences, exhibitions, meetings, etc.) dedicated to sustainable development, agriculture, mountains products around the world, promoted by mountainous countries and international organizations that have adhered to the initiative. Those events will take place both within the pavillions of the exhibiting countries and in other areas of the city of Milan, but also in mountain areas.

Today’s program:

Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Climate change adaptation in Mountain Regions
05 June – 14:00, Expo Milan -Czech Pavillion

The Czech Republic in its capacity of the presiding country to the Carpathian Convention is organizing a seminar on Climate Change Adaptation in mountain regions.

Various experts from particular Carpathian countries will present the results of their long-lasting experience in this field. The topics, such as human influence on mountain regions, risk prevention, landslides or floods are still gaining in importance.

Apart from scientists, representatives of municipalities have been invited to show the practical approach on a day-to-day basis. The upcoming Climate conference in Paris will also tackle the area of adaptation to the Climate Change.

The aim of this seminar is to show specific measures that can be taken in mountain regions to improve the quality of sustainable life. The seminar should be concluded by a discussion where different stakeholders might exchange their opinion.

The Czech Republic would also like to present some typical Czech contributions to adaptation measures and landscape protection. As a supporting programme, the Czech pavilion will present typical products from our part of the Carpathians for the whole day.

Italian Ministry of the Environment Land and Sea
Official Opening Ceremony of the World Environment Day (WED) / Cerimonia di apertura ufficiale del WED
05 June – 15:00, EXPO Milano – Media Centre

Official opening ceremony of the World Environment Day 2015 dedicated to the topic “7 billion dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.”

Video message by the UN Secretary General Mr Ban-Ki-Moon and introductory speeches by UNEP Executive Director Mr Achim Steiner, Italian Minister of the Environment Mr Gian Luca Galletti, EXPO. Presence of UNEP Ambassador Mr YaYa Touré. Living within planetary boundaries is the most promising strategy for ensuring a healthy future. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less. It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessary by-product of economic growth.

See more at: http://www.unep.org/wed/theme/sustainable-consumpion.asp#sthash.54qXWW7D.dpuf

Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta
Turn off the lights, turn on the stars. Mountains and light pollution
05 June – 21:00, Aosta Regional Library

Those who are lucky enough to spend a night in the mountains stargazing all seem to say the same thing, “ It’s like touching the stars with your hands…” This is because the majority of our mountainous region escapes from light pollution and many of our mountains are home to astronomical observatories such as the Osservatorio astronomico della Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta…but what is light pollution? The conference will explain why this is a universal problem and how the Alpine area is privileged both in terms of experimenting innovative production methods and intelligent energy use, just as it is for star gazing.

Speaker Andrea Bernagozzi

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