27 August 2024

MOUNTAINSIDE – Students exploring Alpine plant diversity

The English-language Master’s Degree Course “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE offers a distinctive, multidisciplinary, and “glocal” training experience, blending local perspectives with an international outlook.


During the past few weeks, students from the Master’s Degree Course “Valorisation and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE took part to a fieldtrip run by Prof. Simon PierceUniversity of Milan – UNIMONT, as part of the course ‘Mountain ecosystems and biodiversity valorisation‘.

During this excursion, held on Monte Arera (BG), the students were able to discover first-hand the plant diversity of Alpine habitats.


▶ Watch the video story of this experience

▶ Enroll in the Master’s Degree Course ‘Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas – MOUNTAINSIDE’

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