20 September 2024

MOUNTAINSIDE: Two Study Awards to support enrolment

Enrollment is now open for the international Master’s degree course “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE which presents a multidisciplinary study path in English and takes place entirely in Edolo (BS) in the heart of the Central Alps, at the UNIMONT Campus of the University of Milan.


The Master’s Degree Course “Valorization and Sustainable Development of Mountain Areas” – MOUNTAINSIDE is an international study path, entirely in English, which trains expert professionals of mountain systems through multidisciplinary academic preparation and a “glocal” experience, capable of combining global aspects with local ones.


Two different study awards are available to support enrolment, for information contact corso.edolo@unimi.it


ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS (to be obtained by 31st December 2024):

• Bachelor’s degree in classes L-25 (Agricultural and Forestry Sciences and Technologies) or L-26 (Agro-Food Sciences and Technologies) or L-32 (Environmental and Natural Sciences and Technologies). If in possession of a different university degree, it is necessary to have acquired at least 45 credits (ECTS) in the scientific-disciplinary sectors indicated in the Study Plan.
• B2 level knowledge of the English language demonstrated through a language certificate among those accepted by the University or by taking a specific admission interview.



• BY 31st OCTOBER 2024 – Submit the admission application on the portal of the University of Milan following the procedures specified in article 3 of the Admission Notice.
• BY 31st DECEMBER 2024 – Be in possession of the qualifications and the curricular and language requirements indicated in the admission requirements.
• BY 15th JANUARY 2025 – Submit the enrollment application on the portal of the University of Milan following the procedures and deadlines specified in article 5 of the Admission Notice.


▶ Enroll here
▶ Do you want to have a chat with the students or do you need more information? Write an email to corso.edolo@unimi.it or contact us on 02/50330500
▶ Watch video testimonials

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