The advanced course in “Project Management for the mountain areas” is a way to deepen and gain a greater systematization of professional knowledge and skills on the topic of project planning and management, in response to European, national and regional calls on issues related to the development of Mountain areas.
The main objectives of the course are:
- to reinforce technical-professional knowledge, useful for orientating oneself in the panorama of mountain planning financing programs;
- deepen the specific phases of management of European and international financial programs;
- improve skills in the phases of stakeholder engagement and building of local, national and international networks.
Duration43 hours
CoordinatorProfessor Anna Giorgi
The course is conducted with the support of:
CostsDescriptionProfessional in-depth course on planning in response to European, national and regional calls, with a focus on mountain development.
Statusinactive (ed. 2019)
Secretary's officeUNIMONT – Mountain University, Center of Excellence of the University of Milan Tel. 02.50330500